Christmas Worship Schedule

Tuesday, December 24
5pm - Christmas Eve - Carols, Homily & Communion

Saturday, December 28
5pm - Holy Innocents - Sermon, Hymns & Communion
7pm - Interfaith Watch Night Service - Meditations by religious leaders & songs 

Sunday, December 29
12pm - Holy Innocents - Sermon & Communion

Saturday, January 4
5pm - Lessons & Carols - Homily & Communion

Sunday, January 5
12pm - Christmas 2 - Sermon & Communion


Dedications for Christmas
Music & Decorations:

Donations of any size are welcome along with dedications (in thanksgiving and or in memory). Please email us the names or message for your dedication to: [email protected] 

To donate, please mail check to Christ Church,
PO Box 570, Sag Harbor, NY 11963
by or before December 17